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Welcome, Head and Heart Training!

Head and Heart Training AnimalKind accredited company in Maple RidgeMaple Ridge’s Head and Heart Training has received BC SPCA AnimalKind accreditation.

We want to give a warm welcome to the AnimalKind community to Head and Heart Training! They are helping dogs in the Lower Mainland through science-based positive reinforcement dog training.

Kathleen, owner and trainer at Head and Heart, holds a BSc. in biology from the University of British Columbia and an MSc. in biology from Simon Fraser University and found her way to dog training after spending a few years working in Central America. Kathleen is passionate about helping guardians understand their dog’s behaviours and using science to improve the lives of all animals. Read Kathleen’s story and how this Maple Ridge dog trainer earned a first in the city.


Head and Heart Training owner and trainer Kathleen with her dog Ducky on the snow
Photo by Head and Heart Training

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