Ethical Canine Training
and Behaviour Modification
Allison Schaefer has been certified as a behaviour consultant through two independent certifying bodies: she is a Certified Behavior Consultant Canine – Knowledge Assessed through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers, as well as a Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant through the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants. In 2021 she also became a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer.
Allison started Ethical Canine in Victoria, B.C. in 2013. Prior to this she completed an apprenticeship and trained dogs professionally in Vancouver. She has worked with both puppies and adult dogs of numerous breeds and has more than 10 years of experience with a wide range of training needs, including challenging behaviour problems.
Allison is committed to providing practical, humane, individually tailored behaviour solutions to her clients and their dogs. She also regularly pursues continuing education from experts in the field of modern animal behaviour modification, and her clients benefit in kind. Allison is a Registered Veterinary Technologist who graduated from Thompson Rivers University in 2005. Her education in the veterinary field provided her a solid background in animal health and behaviour and led to a variety of jobs in veterinary hospitals and at the BCSPCA. In 2016 she graduated from the University of Victoria with a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and a minor in Applied Ethics.
Since January 2019, Ethical Canine has been accredited by the BCSPCA under their AnimalKind program. AnimalKind assists the public in finding dog trainers who employ sound business practices as well as sound training methodology and knowledge. Allison is proud to be a part of this program and supports increasing transparency and accountability in the field of animal behaviour modification. Allison lives in Sooke with her three Collies Joni, Gavin and Felix.
Area of service: Sooke, Metchosin, Langford.